Manufacture of hydroxyapatite
For more than 20 years, MedicalGroup has maintained exclusive know-how in the manufacture of hydroxyapatite powder according to ISO 13779-6 and ASTM F1185 standards.

This synthetic powder has a chemical composition similar to that of human bone.
The mastery of the synthesis, atomization and calcination processes makes it possible to obtain a perfectly spherical powder, of high crystallinity, with all the physical and chemical characteristics in compliance with the international standards (ASTM F1185, ISO13779).
MedicalGroup develops powders, the particle size and density of which adapt to the specifications of its customers.

Hydroxyapatite is mainly used in coatings of implants by plasma spray.
Specific formulations are developed for the manufacture of bone substitutes or 3D printing.
This activity is highly developed with customers who coat their implants in manufacturing sites all over the world (USA, China, Europe, Middle East).
For sandblasting of dental implants, MedicalGroup also produces RBM powder (resorbable blast media).
Academic partnerships allow regular updates of formulations and manufacturing processes, in order to offer state-of-the-art solutions.